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 logo picador logiciel de conception structurelle dédié aux professionnels de l'emballage, packaging et PLV

Packaging and Pos CAD Software :

A full range of CAD modules and features to design packaging and POS [structural and parametric 2D CAD drawing geometry, 3D automatic folding, 3D product/packaging assembly, 3D animation, automatic layout/imposition, data sheet, cutting table controller and drivers, standard library database (Ecma, Fefco, Pos), customized new models libraries tools, PLM or ERP integration SDK (ActiveX, .NET, XML)].

                Picador 3D vue

                                                                                                Les modules contenu dans le logiciel Picador 2D, 3D, imposition, imbrication, gestion de table de découpe, standard dimensionnable                                                                 


A wide range of Specialized Tools and Features adapted for Packaging and POS Structural Design:


  • Geometrical functions for packaging design ( Geometry, Construction, Quotation, Hatch, Text, Image);
  • Study and Production functions: Data Sheet, Calculation ( Surface, All out, Nets);
  • Picador géométrie plan symétrie PLVImbrication, Imposition, Tools (Cutting, Slotting, Perforating), Cardboard Format, Plotter Output, Image Insertion, Digitizing.
  • Draw and Parametrical Design. Conversion of an existing draw into a parametric model ;
  • Several Standards Libraries you can resize at your own convenience (FEFCO, ECMA, POS, Packaging)
  • Additional Diemaker tool : Bridge, Cutting width nets (points), Wood format, Easy set;
  • Import/Export : PDF, EPS, Ai, CFF2, DDES, DXF, DWG, IGES, Hpgl, Diecad (.N).


Picador géométrie plan emballage. conception structurelle avec accrochage par assistant    Picador géométrie imposition imbrication informations filet




Powerful and Easy to Use 3D Solution for Assembly and Virtual Prototyping:

  • Direct transfert of 2D model into Picador3D

  • Automatic 2D / 3D Folding

  • Folding / Unfolding 3D Animation

  • 3D Assembly, exploded and sequenced view of animated assembly

  • Creation of Interactive and Animated 3D PDF. Your client can see and manipulate your model by using Adobe Reader.

  • Printing Files or Texture Positioning.

  • Imported graphic images may come from software like CorelDraw™, Adobe Ilustrator™, Photoshop™, Quark Xpress™ (Mac or Windows)

  • Import of CAD objects (Step, Stp, Iges, Igs) and 3D textured model (Stl, Dae, Obj, 3DS...) Interactive positioning, congestion calculating, intersection calculating for wedging achievement.

  • 3D Export: Stl, Dae, Réalité Augmentée, WebGL

Picador 3D 4   Picador 3D 3



A Software Module Intended to Control Cutting Table and Shaping Lasers:

  • Placement - multi model imposition on cardboard format, automatic optimization of tools path
  • Automatic speed and pressure setting according to the used material
  • Parameters for tangential knife (fixed or oscillatory), Creasing, Pen, Cutter, Laser, WaterjetCutting or Milling 
  • Cutting or Milling
  • Possibility of deporting cutting station - Cutting simulation on your screen
  • Additional Diemaker Tool - Laser Cutting: Bridge, Nets width, Flat and rotating forms, Nets cutting, Wood format... 



Find Several Packaging and POS Models in PICADOR's Standards Catalogs:

  • Find parametrical standards of folding carton and corrugated cardboard (FEFCO, ECMA, POS)
  • Create a new library via the download area
  • Create parametrical models in PICADOR in order to create your own professional library
  • Length nets calculation, cutting surface imposition according to the forms and machines, lost
  • Reusable Plug-In with others applications (composants dll .NET )
  • Save your time and reduce errors

 Picador standards paramétrés FEFCO ECMA   Picador standards Parametrés FEFCO 427



Logistic Optimization, Palletizing, Packing and Truck Loading:

  • Easy to use
  • Many features dedicade to palletizing and logistics optimization : Case palletization, filling cartons/case,  Optimal case calcul , Palletizing bundles (flat cases or cartons), Adding interlayers, cap, protective film, angles ...  
  • Database of boxes in stock
  • Automatic  analysis report
  • Strength analysis

    PLM Stackbuilder rapportPicador palettisation 2




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