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Logistic Optimization, Palletizing, Packing and Truck Loading

StackBuilder is a software to design and optimize the packing (Articles / case), palletizing (box / pallet) and shipping items (pallets / truck). It's a simple software tool to learn, allowing you to move forward with a global vision of the supply chain of your packaging. 

Download is free, but if you need full capabilities consider subscribing to a premium account.

PLM Stackbuilder Palettisation optimisation calcule   PLM Stackbuilder palettisation optimisation encaissage logistique emballage

StackBuilder has many features to meet your needs:

  • STB Analysis Case Palletization

  • STB BoxCaseAnalysis Packing Articles/Case

  • STB OptimalCase Search for the optimal packing: Articles/Case/Pallet

  • STB CaseAnalysis Calculate the efficient soltuion in your stock of boxes models

  • STB AnalusisCylinder Cylinders Palletization

  • STB AnalysisBundle Bundles Palletization

  • STB Interlayer Add interlayers, STB cover hat, STB Film protection film, STB corner angles.

  • STB Database Database of in stock boxes models

  • STB Truck Configurable truck load volume

  • Automatic analysis report

  • BCT resistance calculation


Analysis Report:

For each solutions, it is possible to publish and edit a palletizing report in .doc (Microsoft Office), odt (open office) or html.

PLM Stackbuilder rapport

Data base of solutions:

Palletizing solutions can be stored in solutions database, so it can reused, compared with other solutions, or be used to optimize the packing.

PLM Stackbuilder base de donnée solution optimisation logistique palettisation 


StackBuilder is a fully integrated software in PICADOR ™ and PLM PACK ™ to design packaging systems.